Saturday 26 December 2009

In the beginning.

To understand fully what this blog is all about, I would advise you to go to the very first post and read it from there.
I realize that there is a lot to read but I think you will find it is worth it if your are interested in these matters.

Friday 18 December 2009

The star in the east.

As it is getting near Christmas I thought I would transfer a piece I wrote in "thephilosopherschair" that might give you food for thought at this time of year.

By Donald Swarbrick.

Here is something else to ponder, if you want to compare events in the bible to what we know today.

How would the people from biblical times describe the vision in the picture above?

This is an example of how the star in the east could have come about, when all the time it was an aircraft, never seen in the skies in these times, a simple case of mistaken identity, due to lack of knowledge.

It might not be exactly how we would describe it in this day and age if it were to have taken place yesterday, but it gives one example of how reporters could translate it to the newspapers, given our knowledge now.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, each give their account of events at the time of Jesus conception, birth and early life, and regardless of the many translations of these gospels, plus the description of four different men of these times, there is a strong indication that the phenomenal occurrences that happened were influenced by superior beings from another planet.

If we take a look at some of the important factors described by these four individuals, we should see how much easier it would have been to prove the existence of space travelers if they had the technology of the world we live in today. If they had the same knowledge as people from the twenty first century or, if the events we are going to look at happened in this day and age everything described would be more clear cut, although the fear of God would still he present. This was the time of King Herod and in his domain so with the prophecies about this new born child’s future threatening his ruler ship he ordered its death. The Wise Men who, had been guided towards the child’s birthplace by what has been accepted as a star, told Herod of the birth, of the importance of the child, of their intention to visit him and present him with gifts.

There are no stars in the sky capable of guiding anyone to a particular place on earth’s surface in such a way, (although sailors in the early days before, the compass was invented used stars for guidance, it was not in the same way as this event recorded in the bible) so my assumption is that the bright light was a small craft or power pack used by an “angel” within earth’s atmosphere which would give the appearance of a star to the more primitive people of that era.

The people around the Middle Eastern countries in these times knew something exceptional was taking place but could not fathom exactly what; making them create the mystique that has been deciphered from the scriptures. The Wise Men were so called in my estimation, because they understood what the light meant, although not what it was, but they had accepted the existence of God hence the reason they were chosen. They had been told of Herod’s plan to kill God’s son, (through mental telepathy) which they describe as a dream, and would most likely have appeared to them as such with God and his crews not wanting to reveal too much of their powers. They disobeyed Herod’s wish for them to return and tell him of the whereabouts of the child, taking another route home.

At the same time an angel (which we have established are God’s crew carrying messages to earthlings from the spaceships above) warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and the baby, as Herod was going to kill all the boys of two years or under, making sure the baby who threatened his dominance would be exterminated. Joseph and his family had been sent to a land that was well known to God’s crews, to await Herod’s death, the news of which would be relayed to him in the usual way by an angel. This was another strange occurrence Joseph had come to accept proving his belief in God’s existence, although not fully understanding, had complete faith in his guidance, taking Jesus to Nazareth where he would spend his early years. All these events had been foretold by the early prophets, so they came as no surprise to the more intelligent people of the time, one of whom was John or John the Baptist as he was to be known, as it was he who was chosen to baptize God’s son.

John had already been telling the earthlings about God and his crews from Heaven and as their spaceships had been present (although disguised) in the skies, and, they had been influencing life on earth for some time it stands to reason the news of them was beginning to spread, just as they had planned. They wanted their existence to be known, but could never make the earthlings fully understand where they came from and why they were so advanced compared to them, When the myths and mystique grew around them they used it to their advantage as it created the required effect, gaining the attention of the people towards the warnings about earth’s demise and the safe haven of Heaven the space travelers had to offer.

John the Baptist had the sense to realise what was taking place, he had heard of the prophecies that had been ignored before and knew of “the wrath of the Gods”. It says in Matthew Chapter three verse sixteen that after, Jesus was baptized by John, “the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove.” And a voice from Heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. More reason to believe spacecraft were in the skies above, or would you rather believe in a mystical character floating on vaporized water with feathered wings rather than the more logical explanation of people inside spacecraft, hovering above the earth. I can understand people of two thousand years ago thinking the ridiculous, but it puzzles me why in this day of space travel, primitive as it is, earthlings still believe in the myths of angels with harps and feathered wings floating on clouds.

We have updated the Bible into modern language, but still hold on to the myths and evade the reality. If a true translation were to be written, the events after the baptism of Jesus would read like this, “after the baptism, as Jesus came out of the water, God who had been watching from the spaceship revealed the presence of the craft by sliding back the door underneath it allowing the inner lights to beam down to earth where he then descended from in his smaller craft (used only in the inner hemisphere) to where they were, while transmitting the message through the loudspeakers saying, THIS IS MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED”!

These were the only moments the armada above could be spotted and as the witnesses did not understand fully what they were looking up into, they tried to express it the only way they knew, providing us with the mystique that we have come to connect Heaven with. Jesus was then led out into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil where his allegiance to his father GOD would be tested to the limit, proving he was without the sinful worldly nature the earthlings possessed even though he was part earthling. When you read through the Bible, you begin to realise why it was interpreted in this way through the years, with present day man still wanting to pretend that he is the only intelligent life in the Universe. A power such as I am unfolding to you now is better thought of as being a spiritual, unrealistic force rather than face up to the fact that they are real and can reappear in our skies at anytime! It’s this fear of the unknown that makes man reject these things, but if he began to accept them for what they really are, they would realise it is only the devil’s ships they have to fear, as they will have a big say, as to where our destiny lies, (the planet Heaven or the planet Hell!)

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Thursday 5 November 2009

The puzzle of gravity

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field, is an image of a ...Image via Wikipedia

Gravity is one of the biggest problems we have when trying to understand the way the universe works, because we still are trying to figure out how it works, and the importance of its function.
We know it is essential to the way the universe is held together, but if we cannot understand it, then we cannot progress with our understanding of the universe as a whole, and some theories will remain theories.

It is my conjecture that gravity was needed to create the Big Bang, as I explained in earlier chapters of "unfeatheredangels" by gasses contorting as they met, which eventually resulted in the first spinning effect as they reacted with each other.
This in turn created a giant vortex, the suction to draw everything from the atmosphere within billions of light years in circumference into its center, which would include the ingredients that made up the universe.

All the ingredients were around, they only needed the reaction to bring them together, and this massive vortex was the answer.
Everything was mixed up and spat out by the chemical reaction created inside the vortex, by all the ingredients interacting to create the Big Bang, which sent solids, liquids, and gasses, spinning out into the space we are still careering through.

We are still being carried by the blast, that is why the planets are moving further apart, and the galaxies still stretching out through space.

Gravity was started by the spinning motion, and it is simply the orbs that make up the galaxies that are punching their way through space, while spinning and clearing air from their path, both on their outward journey away from the blast, plus the air they are clearing during their rotation on their axes, creating a vortex around them. The suction is in the lower layer, and the surge in the upper layer of the draft, which creates GRAVITY as we know it.

It is more the air or the atmosphere they are clearing during their rotation on their axes, that causes gravity as we know it, pulling objects down towards them that are a certain distance away from them,or inside the bubble created by the rotation, while bouncing others back off into space if they hit the bubble.

Draft is gravity, just like the draft you get when you slam a door, but the displacement of air is the cause of the gravity around the planets of the universe, because they are spinning.

If you are standing on one side of the door the displacement will push you, but if you are standing on the other side you will feel suction or drag, but because the door is only opening and shutting, and not spinning, you won't create gravity.

A sphere on the other hand creates both suction, and the surge of air ahead of it, and as it is spinning the suction, and surge combine to create gravity. The pull downwards, and the bounce outwards, is the suction, and the surge reacting with the spinning motion as they fight with each other.
If it was a rectangle shape, or a square, the punching motion would always be at the front of the object heading through space, and the suction always at the rear, but with the spherical shape none of them has the upper hand, but both are present.
Its simple aerodynamics, if you were at the front of the rectangle, under the air rushing past you would be forced down onto the surface, but if you were at the back you would be brushed off by the air disturbance rushing past taking you away from the object, like a comet shedding particals constantly, as it moves through space.

Gravity can have an effect further away from the sphere than we have calculated, because it could be displacing the atmosphere miles further out from the gravitational pull we know of, and that is what holds smaller planets and Moons in their grasp.

Our Sun's gravitational pull holds all the planets that we have discovered in our solar system and keeps them together to make up the solar system we know of, and the same thing is happening in other parts of the universe, making up galaxies, which in turn affects all other objects hurtling out in the blast created by the Big Bang.

Therefore the gravity created by the spinning motion of all the objects in the universe, reaches out further away from the objects than we first thought and creates the bases that holds the universe together in the form we know, plus the fact that all these objects are still hurtling away from the original blast.

When our spaceships force there way through earth's gravitational pull, they enter into what appears to us as space and weightlessness, but the thin atmosphere they enter into could also be moving around along with the pull of the Sun, and although it has not been measured or noticed by us, this movement could still have a significant effect on the rest of the objects spinning around in the universe.

The newly discovered ring around Saturn is evidence that this is probable, as the dust particles making up the ring are eight million miles away from the planet.
Therefore the gravitational pull of Saturn has at least a radius of eight million miles, probably more.

Also every other object that spins around in the universe could have an effect on every other piece of Big Bang debris, if the atmosphere that surrounds each object blasting away from the original explosion, carries its thin atmosphere around with it.
There are particals in the space between planets,and stars,it is not a vacuum, or heat would not travel through it.

This unmeasured action of movement of thinning atmospheres that surrounds all the spheres could be the reason the universe does not collapse or collide, during its ever outward journey away from the core of the blast, as it acts like a cushion holding everything in its place, or in other words, holding the universe together.
The very answer to the question mentioned at the beginning of this post, the question that we need to answer before we can progress.

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Thursday 29 October 2009

Biblical nuclear missiles

Sodom and Gomorrha, a painting by :en:John Mar...Image via Wikipedia

If you think it is an unbelievable theory to think that aircraft, or flying machines are being described in the book of Ezekiel, and would like to believe, or mock the idea, I wonder what you think happened in this next theory of mine, that no one else has thought of as far as I know.

The story should be familiar to most of us, but we have never questioned the cause or the outcome.

We have the case of Sodom and Gomorrah where in Genesis we have the event of the cities being destroyed because of all the sinful things taking place, which made god angry enough to carry out the deed, but what we have to ask is, how was this deed carried out so completely with the armament that was around in these times?

Bows and arrows, which was the main weapon in these times, cannot destroy a building never mind a city, and we have to remember it was two "Cities" we are talking about not two small towns or villages, so where was the power to carry out the deed when nothing explosive was invented then?
Natural volcanoes yes, but the description of the devastation left is nothing like the damage a volcano makes, bad though it may be.

If you read Genesis, chapter nineteen verse one, it reads, "And there came two angels to Sodam at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodam; and he bowed himself with his face towards the ground;" No mention of feathers when angels appear, but why should there be when they have none.

Lot was told by the angels to flee the city because it was about to be destroyed, and to take some of his family with him.
He did as he was told, so he must have known the task was possible by these people called angels.

In Genesis chapter 19, verse 17 It reads "And it came to pass when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said. Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed."

They had to be miles away from the city to make sure they were out of reach of the blast, but what weapons in these times could cause so much devastation?
Verse 24 of the same chapter reads "Then the lord rained upon Sodam and upon Gomorrah fire and brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven.

OUT OF HEAVEN......not from the earth, but the crafts in the skies, that brought this advanced race of people here.

Now reading that story one hundred years ago even, you might not understand what was happening, but it should be clear enough now.

The next few verses makes it a bit clearer, 25, reads "And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground."
Verse 26, refers to the line in verse 17 "Look not behind thee" and quotes
"But his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.
Verse 28, And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain; and beheld, and lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace."

When you think of the devastation left behind, people from this day and age should only have one clear thought in their heads, HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI, the two cities destroyed by nuclear bombs to end the second world war.

Only a power such as that could come anywhere near to causing all that destruction, and the blast cause Lots wife to be turned into a pillar of salt.

All we have to do in this day and age is to look up the Internet and compare the destruction of the Sodom and Gomorrah and the scene described by Lot in the bible, to the scenes described by the pilots who overflew the Japanese cities, and look at the pictures taken of the aftermath, and the devastation caused by the nuclear bombs.
They are almost identical, and the reason for that is, it was the same method used in both instances.

So you might say, there were no nuclear bombs in biblical times, but you also thought there were no aircraft flying around the skies, so what is your conclusion now you know such a bomb exists.

Lot, and the people of his time have an excuse to wonder at the destruction, but WE should know the cause, and now realize there are people around the skies who are way ahead of us in developments, who used nuclear weapons years before we invented them, and have reached us from their planet in crafts we are still trying to come to terms with.

What other answer could there be?

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Thursday 17 September 2009

The measurement of time.

Orion Nebula: Planetary Protection--X-ray Supe...Image by Smithsonian Institution via Flickr

We measure time according to our solar system but, why do we think that our time is the only time measurement in the universe, and why do we assume,every stage of events taking place out there is measured by our time?
It is by us here on earth, but not necessarily by everyone in the universe.

We know there are enormous planets in deep space within our vision, and when we can reach even further we will discover solar systems in a very much bigger scale than ours.

If,life does exist on one of these massive planets,(which it will, of that I have no doubt) their time scale will be very different to ours, as it will be measured according to their solar system which, if so very much larger, will reflect a very much slower pace of time, therefore, their measurements of time and distance to other planets, and galaxies, even their lifespan itself, will be calculated in a completely different manner.

Our solar system, in comparison to one like that, will seem to them, like theirs in a fast forward motion, and our lifespan merely a blip in time, which of course it is, but we have never stopped to think just how insignificant our solar system is, and always assume that we are the superior race in the universe.

Mankind as we know it has many weaknesses, one of them being his lifespan, cut short by sickness, wars, or other disasters that can befall earth, or simply old age which in most cases lasts less than one hundred earth years. A blip in universal time.
We are barely here in this form, before we are gone again, leaving our ideas, or discoveries for future generations to elaborate on, which limits the progress we make.

Another life form evolving in a solar system so much larger than ours, that works in a completely different way to ours, will have evolved much stronger than us, with less weaknesses to shorten their lifespan.
The very fact that their time measurement is so much longer than ours will make their lifespan longer, if not eternal, as their solar system having evolved billions of years before ours would have given them time to perfect life, also given the fact that their ideas and discoveries will not have been hampered by death.

Another reason to believe such a planet as this would have a different time scale is, that if it used our time scale, one side of the planet would be earth years behind the other, or earth years ahead, just as we in Britain are hours behind Australia, or ahead of America, so in theirs, they will have calculated time to suit their solar system, long before time was needed on earth.

Now that puts the measurement of time and distance into a different prospective, which would make the universe a much smaller place for them and would enable them to travel through space without having to worry about distance.

If you look at the universe through their eyes, the galaxies they, or we can see are not billions of light years away, but only a short journey away in the exceptional conveyances they will have perfected on that planet, therefore they will have reached these stars. They will be able to confirm my theories in my last post that what you are seeing out there is happening now, and not some light reflection from an event that happened light years ago.
It stands to reason that the light source HAS to be there if we can still see it in a structural form, solid or gas, otherwise it would just be light energy we would see, and have nothing to travel to in the case of dying stars.

Scientist contradict themselves by looking out at other solar systems light years away, and recognize a planet orbiting around a star, and when telling us about it lead us to believe what they have witnessed is occurring out there now, but then they try to tell us that the forming galaxies or the light from the dying star they see, happened billions of light years ago, and the event is only reaching us now.
What is the point of looking out into the universe for other life forms if you think the light reflection you are looking at happened many light years ago, because according to their theories, how would we know if the promising planet that could hold life still exists, or if it died, and the light reflection of its death throes have not reached us yet?

If we want to unfold the mysteries of space, we have to take into consideration, that we are only a speck of dust in the universe in comparison to the enormous planets with life on them, and our life span is only a fraction of time in comparison to theirs.
We have to admit our inferiority in the universe, accept that other life forms that may look the same as us, can reach us, and have reached us.
That is what the bible is all about, people from another solar system being on earth.
You do not have to believe the bible but you do have to admit that if such a planet exists, everything I said is possible, and given everything I have said, you have to admit that more than likely such a planet does exist.
Out there in the universe, the measurement of time, and distance IS completely different,and will bring a whole new definition to our observations, and calculations, that we have surmised from our lowly position in space.

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Thursday 10 September 2009

Einstein made many observations about our solar system.

Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna in 1921Image via Wikipedia

I was going to leave unfeatheredangels as a finished work, but as I feel this post is important, I have decided to add it on here at the end, with the possibility of other editions in the future.

Having read the book "The Bible Code" thanks to my good friend Claire from York, my conclusions are somewhat as controversial as The bible code itself.

Too much time is spent discussing the same subjects,and to use a nuclear holocaust as a prediction as to how the world will end in reference to Armageddon in Revelation, is all too predictable for a book written in the nineteen nineties.

There must be enough similarities between the Hebrew version of the Bible, and the English version of the bible to show some of the so called coded predictions in each of the versions, as there cannot be too many words that do not transfer, otherwise the task would never have been achieved in the first place.
Although it might not show up in the same context, there would be a way to compare the code in the given texts to show where the words arise from. Why has this not been done, and only the Hebrew version used as an example, especially when very few folk speak or understand the Hebrew language now.

If I, or someone else wrote this book now, only a decade later, I, or they, could construe the letters in the bible to tell of incidents that have already occurred, such as the "twin towers catastrophe," as the way the letters in the Hebrew version, has no real pattern, with the words being formed from letters at random. There are a few examples that are similar, but not enough to be convincing.

The thing that hit me most was the fact that the writer leaves an escape route in case the predictions he made for the years after the books first publication did not come to fruition.
What I mean by an escape route is, he makes a prediction, shows you the code, then gives us a reason why it might be wrong.
If he was so confident that the code really was in the bible there would be no need for any doubts or excuses.

That is just my opinion, but it brings me to the point I wanted to make in the first place.
Quantum Physics, although using certain scientific calculations, also leaves room for error, or as I have called it an escape route, to save face should their theories be proved wrong in the future.

Stephen Hawking's "Brief history of time" is a theory, and just because it is logical, does not make it right, it has still to be proved right, and will remain a theory until proved otherwise.

Although Einstein made many observations about our solar system, he died leaving theories that have still to be proven today, but some of our scientist take them as fact and make important calculations using them, then IF Einstein is proved to be wrong someday their conclusions from these calculations will be wrong also. In fact some of his theories have already been proved wrong, and the scientist have had to go back to the drawing board for new answers.
"The distinction between past present and future is only an illusion" is one of Einstein's theories, also the one that made him famous, is obvious by its name "THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY"
theory being the operative word.

How many calculations have been made from "The theory of relativity" and it has still to be proved to be correct?
If it ever comes to light (nice pun) that this theory on the speed of light is wrong, which I am not suggesting IS wrong, then all the calculations will be wrong.
What I am suggesting though, is the assumption that as light travels through space the images we see from our telescopes on earth, means that the source of the light we are looking at happened so many light years ago.

We are misusing Einstein's theory, omitting the fact that you need the source of the light to still be active in its visual form, if it is being sighted as such.

Light does travel, and light, and the energy emitted from other galaxies reaches earth, and as it travels it widens and disperses throughout the parts of the universe it travels through, introducing the energy back into the universe.
The image of the source of the light, or the object itself, does not travel through the universe, only it's light and energy, WE are reaching out to that image, therefore the source is still active.

If you take away the source of the light then you just have the light, and energy from that source travelling through space without form, and no visual sighting of the now defunct planet or galaxy.

The idea that what Hubble is seeing as it reaches farther out in space, is planets and galaxies that were formed at the beginning of the universe just after the "big bang" and that the light reflected in Hubble's mirror are events that took place then, is a wrong assumption, simply because as I said, "you need the source to be still active to be able to see the image"

Proof of this is the fact that Hubble is getting closer images of these forming galaxies, and dieing stars and the image remains the same, no matter how close a picture it takes.
If my theory was wrong, it would mean that when Hubble 's closer images came through there would be changes to that image even though it is only magnified.
What I am trying to relate is, the closer Hubble gets, the less light years there are between images, therefore the image should change, but it does not, because the source of light is still there, what Hubble is seeing now, is happening now, and until that realization hits the scientists who hope to view events from the big bang, then they will make wrong assumptions, and calculations.
I have touched on this subject before, and my theory is, "you need the source of the light to be active in solid form to project the images we are now recieving from hubble, therefore these Galaxies are forming now, and the dieing stars are still in the process of dieing"
If I am wrong, and we could span all those light years, at what point would we go through the image of a dieing star and reach the void, or the image of the forming Galaxy to reach it fully formed and in working order, and why would the light energy from a dead star reflect as we see it and not disperse as light energy throughout space, as light does?

It only takes one factual discovery to blow a theory right out of the water, and it wouldn't be the first time it happened in science.

Which brings me to my next post "TIME" and the way we measure it, and its relevance to this post, but as I say "that is for next week."

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Wednesday 3 June 2009

Links to unfeatheredangels.

If the articles in this blog catch your imagination, you can recieve more of my views in if you log into Donald's views.
Thanks for your interest.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

This is an award I received and of which I am proud to display.
Thanks to Khris.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

the final question

A Computer Generated photo of what the Earth w...Image via Wikipedia

There is one final question which I cannot answer, and to which the answer is not even coded in the Bible and, will probably never be answered as we just do not know where to begin,YES BEGIN! That is almost the question! Where did the first grain of dust or atom come from? Or, where did the chemicals that produced the gas to create the first Big Bang originate from? The ultimate question in other words, how, out of absolutely nothing, did these ingredients appear, and accumulate to cause such an astounding chain reaction, exploding and creating such splendour and beauty throughout the vast emptiness that we now call outer space, (Which from Heavens point of view it is) but was once a complete void. To make any of it possible it had to come from somewhere, just like God and, us had to evolve from the aftermath of that first chemical reaction. This book should at the very least prove to you that the Bible holds the key to our evolution and show how it is possible for life to go on without end. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusion from my theories and hope they coincide with mine, bearing in mind the strides mankind has taken over the last two thousand years. I do not want to finish this book with “The End” like most books do as we know the potential is there to go on forever. As we started with “In the Beginning.” we will simply close with.
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the time is near

Arp 87 galaxy interaction from NASAImage by penmachine via Flickr

They will have telescopes billions of times more powerful than Hubble, powerful, enough to pinpoint any planet in the Universe, magnifying whichever part of that orb they wish, relaying it back to three dimensional receivers on their own planet. We can barely envisage the awesome wonders of their achievements; we will just have to hope that we will be among the lucky ones who will see it all first hand when we get to their planet. They still patrol the skies but they will never fall captive to our primitive race THAT, they have made sure of but they will be here when we need them.

Monday 19 January 2009

have I cracked the code?

I have used many assumptions and suppositions throughout my translation of the Bible, but to me it gives us a more realistic insight into what the records in the Bible are trying to tell us. We have come through the last two thousand years basing the Bible on the assumption of others who, have tried to come to terms with it, leading us into the myth and mystique that still surrounds it. I feel I have come closer to cracking the hidden messages in it by accepting that we are not the only race in the Universe and certainly not the supreme race. When you look at the solid facts, even without the suppositions there is enough evidence to justify the idea that a superior race from a distant planet has already landed on earth, leaving the Bible as their legacy behind them for us to come to terms with, hoping someday we will be advanced enough to fully understand it before its too late. The next time you are staring up at the sky and notice an unusual cloud formation, maybe, just maybe, it could be one of their spaceships in disguise patrolling the galaxies keeping a watchful eye over us or maybe just maybe you might be lucky, enough to spot one of their ships, as some earthlings already claim, but have not been able to produce enough convincing evidence to satisfy the naive or sceptical people on earth.
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Sunday 18 January 2009

have we been here before?

This is an image taken from a typical PET acqu...Image via Wikipedia

When we get that feeling of having done this before or, having been in a certain place before, but, know we haven’t in this lifetime. Have we really been here before and it is triggered off in our mind by some of these unused cells in our brain? Would the Universe really form exactly the same way again from another Big Bang? Whatever the conclusion is, the evil will always be out there, and the good will always, triumph over it. I prefer to go with the first option and have faith in that supreme race to keep their promise of immortality to us as, the second option although it lets us live again is not continuous, having billions of years between births, making the first more likely. In any event it proves life in the Universe can go on and on forever one way or the other.

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Saturday 17 January 2009

eternal life

The Solar System, (not to scale - actually ver...Image via Wikipedia

The second option we have is slightly different and would mean the gravitational pull of the largest rock left at the centre of the last Big Bang (which we have established as the planet Heaven) would be too great even for the masters of the Universe to prevent, resulting in everything closing and latching on to Heaven! Remember the aspirin in the glass and what happened to the particles that did not dissolve, YES, they gathered together forming a mass at the bottom of the glass. All the matter that had ever been in the Universe, gathered together again in one big ball rotating as the chemicals, liquids, gases and solids intermingle creating another vortex resulting in the same explosive mixture that set off the last Big Bang! The billions and billions of years and the shear volume of space this would cover is unimaginable but the ingredients will be all there until eventually ….………………………………………….. ………………………………….BANG!!!!!!
Will the same Heaven evolve at the centre after the blast, producing the same God from the remnants? Will the constellations and galaxies reform in the exact same way? Will the matter we were formed from in the first place, regroup on a planet that will become earth? Will I in billions of year’s time be sitting writing a book about it all? Is this, what is meant by eternal life having to be reborn billions of years apart, time and time again?
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Friday 16 January 2009

another chemical reaction

After billions of years all the matter that has been congealed into one big firmament will react again causing the same chemical reaction that caused the last Big Bang to occur, and the whole process will begin again. The rocks, gases along with all the other ingredients that formed the Universe before, will be sent hurling out into space again, to start a new beginning. The evil that had accumulated on Hell will have been scattered back into space along with all the debris, and could rear its ugly head again in a reformed Universe, where God will have to do it all again, to rid outer space of crime and evil by going out to the forming planets to try and control events just as they did before. Perhaps they too will learn more in the years that will pass, and have invented even better equipment enabling them to make the Universe an even safer place to live, eliminating the need to transport any more people between planets, or over populate their own planet with evacuees. As the earth has become much smaller to us with our speedy forms of transport, so too did the Universe become to these space travellers with their amazing technology. We must assume, with their assurance of eternal life that they will have safeguarded against their own planet getting caught up in a rebirth of the Universe by preventing the retracting matter from entering their air space.
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Thursday 15 January 2009

the gravitational pull of Heaven

Strong gravitational lensing as observed by th...Image via Wikipedia

There are two possibilities of the outcome of this natural occurrence, one where Heaven will be involved only by its gravitational pull and the other where it will play a bigger roll. In both cases the beginning of the end will start in the same fashion. As each planetary system retracts with the gravitational pull of Heaven, some individual planets will be engulfed by their own suns growing out of all proportion as their gases expand. The once life giving stars in the Universe will retract through fields of untouched gases in the black matter causing them to react with an overpowering force that takes charge of any encountered spheres, engulfing them completely as they entwine into each others orbits. Galaxy’s will become one mass again trapping all the minerals, chemicals and gases they consist of, reverting to similar conditions before the Big Bang although, this time the objects will stay large and not revert to the minute particles that the universe originated from. Scientists have already forecast an event that runs along the same lines, now they know the real phenomenal occurrence that will cause it. As each inhabited planet gets caught up in this reversal, the space rescuers will be on hand, to evacuate all the good people from each individual planet, much the same way as is described in Revelation about the demise of earth. Every person who ever lived across the vast Universe will be accounted for and either taken to Heaven or Hell. The planet Hell on the very edge of the Heavens constellation will be the last planet to get caught up in all this. If the promise of eternal life we have been given is kept, then as the stars, asteroids, comets, planets, and gases congeal, they will form a roof around Heaven, which will be billions of miles away above it. Far enough away in fact that it will never interfere in the perfection of Heaven. What a fantastic sight for us to observe from the safety of our eternal home, to see this taking place knowing we won’t be affected by it while watching the power of nature interact. We will watch Hell and all the evil that has been in the Universe get caught up in all of this.
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Wednesday 14 January 2009

the universe ceases to expand

{{Potd/2007-01-10 (en)}}Image via Wikipedia

But what of beyond Revelation, was that the end of earth or, did God repopulate it again as suggested in the Bible? Has that episode already taken place as I have suggested? Are we the bad people from various, planets left to go through the thousand “HEAVEN YEARS” of repentance as life in general on earth, is not very pleasant especially, for the many people in the world living in severe poverty and illness and, some still living through wars? There is a way which I am coming to, that would allow God to experiment again with new life forms but only after the complete Universe has gone into reverse.
When the Universe ceases to stretch outwards, the blast from the Big Bang will slow down, exhausted by the distance it has covered over billions of years then, everything will stand still and only rotate on its own axes and in its own part of space, just as we thought it did before we knew the blast was still carrying us outward. This is when the gravitational pull of that gigantic planet at the centre will take control. Heaven, which has been our saviour down through time will turn things around completely. What other outcome could you expect with a planet as large as that at the centre of everything? Nature will take charge of the events that will happen next, and we can only hope that our God and his people on Heaven have come up with a plan to keep their, planet that safe haven with the eternal life they promised us.
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Tuesday 13 January 2009

finally contact with real people from distant galaxies

Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, announcing...Image via Wikipedia

What John says next is written as seeing a new Heaven and a new earth, for the old Heaven and the old earth had disappeared. This would have been a journey from the transitional planet filmed as they approached earth, when the original inhabitants of our planet returned to carry on after the skies cleared from the first recorded disaster of earth. It was the same then, as it will be next time, only the good will go to God’s planet Heaven for eternity, as there will be no earth to return to like the first time or the second time with Noah’s (ark) spaceship leaving and returning after the second recorded disaster, (the flood) to strike earth. The warning that the third time is to be the last with earth ending in the same way as the planets of peoples mentioned in earlier chapters of this book brought here, until God prepared a place in his planet Heaven for us all to live in peace and harmony forever. That is the promise he gave us after roaming the skies for billions of years observing planets and people less fortunate than him and his nation. Another quote from Revelation “and I saw the Holy City the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband. I heard a loud shout from the throne saying look the home of God is now among his people! He will live with them and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will remove all of their sorrows and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are gone forever.” The new, Jerusalem with its new temple (the old being Gods base during his time on earth) will be transported to his own planet where he will live, reminding him of his time on earth. The Devil will have returned to his planet Hell with the fools who chose to listen to him, defeated and deflated but for how long? God has kept his promise to us and we will all be reunited with our loved ones, friends and relatives we knew we would meet again. All the mysteries of life will be unfolded to us, not only of earth, but out into the Universe, where we only succeeded scratching the surface, of the fascinating planets and stars, that will be explained to us by the inhabitants of which we always strived to reach and conquer. We will listen as they express the same fears and ambitions we on earth experienced as we compare our slightly, yes only slightly, different life styles. Surprise! Surprise! They are just the same as us, they look like us and talk like us, not the strange hairless mock ups from the Roswell incident, meant to trick us into believing our neighbours on the other planets looked like the weird creatures created by some inventive imaginations on earth. We would have been so keen to slice them, up in the name of science if they had reached us, regardless of their close resemblance to us so, I wonder if they will tell us, that they would have done likewise or, will they be a less violent people than earthlings and be disgusted with us and the thought of what would have befallen them had they reached our planet? The people of Heaven who did reach us proved that a race intelligent enough to reach earth would not allow their selves to be captured by a race as primitive and violent as earthlings. Steps would have been, taken to avoid any such confrontation and now we are all about to live in harmony in Heaven. The good people of the universe gathered together on that perfect planet never needing to worry about anything ever again.

Monday 12 January 2009

the thousand years

Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus de...Image via Wikipedia

The presence of the Devil is mentioned in Revelation too when in Chapter Twenty it says “Then I saw an angel come down from Heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a heavy chain in his hand. He seized the Dragon, that old serpent the Devil, Satan and bound him in chains for a thousand years. The angel then threw him into the bottomless pit which he then shut and locked so Satan could not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years were finished. Afterwards, he would he released again for a little while.” The Devil’s crews will be here to tempt us and the people who have understood and behaved in the good manner we have been told to, will be in the ships ready to go while the others, will have a thousand years of hell on earth during which time they will be given one more chance to chose between Heaven and Hell before the Devil is released. After one thousand years of living like that you would think the choice would be easy but even after all that the devil will have recruits for his planet as his cunning tongue will have persuaded some fools that his planet Hell is the place to be, which in the Bible is described as the second death, the Lake of Fire! That will be because the atmosphere on hell will not be suitable or comfortable for earth people to live although they will survive it will be as stated “HELL!”
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Sunday 11 January 2009

we are all Jock Tampson's bairns

John keeps saying “I saw” or “I looked and I saw” when he is telling his story as if he is watching it on a screen, or a receiver with a three dimensional image and, as he is watching he has been told by God to write down everything he sees, (just like a T.V. critic) so his eyes would have to go between the visual display and the scroll he was writing on. When you look at it in that context there is nothing strange or scary about it as, has previously been taught by most religions who just wanted to create the fear of God. As John goes on to describe what is being shown him, he speaks of “earthquakes and the sun becoming as dark as black cloth and the moon becoming as red as blood. And all the mountains and all the islands disappearing.” Is this not what the archaeologists have predicted would happen if the super volcanoes blew? Who other than a superior race from the distant stars would predict this all these years ago? John records in writing, as each sequence transpires bringing catastrophe to earth, describing the volcanoes as, “a great mountain burning with fire.” John could be watching a recording of similar events from sixty five million years ago when the dinosaurs were wiped out. The asteroid that landed in the Gulf of Mexico could, have erupted a super volcano creating the same devastation that has to befall earth again. That is just another possibility of how or where God’s crews could have filmed the recording of what was being observed on screen. If God’s crews had been there as I have suggested, they would have filmed the whole event and this is what John is describing. Humans could have been evacuated to another planet, bearing out my earlier theories in Noah’s era, returning to earth, and repopulating it with a more advanced form of human life. Archaeologists think they can prove that there has been more than one occurrence when earth has been cleared of most life forms. Scientists wonder why modern man’s D.N.A. can be closely related, between all races and generations. Our genes could have been passed down through man’s progression on another planet leading to the rehabilitation of earth, solidifying the saying, “we are all Jock Tampson’s bairns.” If man had been allowed to multiply from the very beginning of earth the planet would have been over populated years ago. Disasters and genocide had to occur on earth killing off some of its numbers, ensuring survival until the bitter end. Each time natural disasters struck earth, the Gods were on hand to help us in any way they saw fit. It wouldn’t have been very nice for them, to be around our skies in the aftermath of such an event, so we can assume they left the area for many years, just as would have been the case when Krakatau erupted, only with the latter, mankind although struggled, did survive without an evacuation even after its last big eruption in eighteen eighty three. Revelation has been translated in many ways, by so many different people, who each tried to put their own individual theories of it across, but they still left us puzzled as to the actual meaning and the true interpretation, we were meant to take of John’s first hand account. We have never wanted to consider that people from another planet could be the main subject of the Bible but surely by now we have to give it serious consideration or suffer the dire consequences about to fall on earth.
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Saturday 10 January 2009

were these creatures really mythical?

Modern bronze copy of the type of the Young Ce...Image via Wikipedia

The creatures described by John are not known on earth but could have existed on another planet out there as I have already mentioned.
The Bible is not the only place where strange creatures are mentioned. Greek and Roman mythology has many examples of life not found on this earth like the unicorn, or the centaur which is half man and half horse. Myths as far as I am concerned do not arise only out of people’s imaginations but have a definite origin somewhere. Is it not possible that the unicorn could have existed on some other planet along with all the other strange ferocious beasts we have seen depicted in drawings of Greek mythology or read about in Revelation. God and his crews would have visited and utilised many other planets on route during their travels across the vast Universe and would have encountered life forms that had to adapt to the conditions on their own particular planet. It is when we read Revelation that our thoughts should turn again to the stature of these friends from Heaven who if they, have adapted to such an immense planet could be very large compared to us and when you read of their deeds in the last book of the Bible, they must be of great stature to enable them to assist in the mayhem John is witnessing. The Gods and Goddesses of Greek mythology will be the head statesmen and women of other planets, who have been talked about by God’s crews, to selected humans who in turn passed on their, stories which, when becoming distorted as time went past grew into the same realms of fantasy and mythology, God and his crews, and Heaven have become. There are however some recent breakaway religions coming round to a new way of thinking while, maybe not as adventurous as I would like them to be they are beginning to leave some of the mystical and mythical ideas behind and go more for the practical. They are looking at Heaven as a definite place and God and his crews being real people but whether they will go the whole hog and admit that they arrived in space crafts which, is as advanced as you can get, remains to be seen.
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Friday 9 January 2009

Alpha and Omega

ISS016-E-034191 (31 March 2008) --- Backdroppe...Image via Wikipedia

Firstly we have in Verse seven and eight of the first chapter. “Look he comes with the clouds of Heaven.” That is the spacecraft being revealed to all the earthlings for the first time, as, when they return there will he no need for secrecy as this will be the beginning of our evacuation. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the almighty one.” This is the confirmation of my theory in the first chapter of this book. The spaceships will be a revelation in themselves considering the environmentally friendly engines, with the possibility of the gyroscopes I spoke about coming into play. Verse ten (in part) “suddenly I heard a loud voice behind me, a voice that sounded like a trumpet blast. It said, write down what you see.” John would not have known how to describe the loud hailers or the communication system used at this time so he described how it seemed to him, hoping he would be understood without being ridiculed. Chapter Four starts, “then as I looked I saw a door standing open in Heaven (the door of the craft in the sky) and the same voice I heard before spoke to me with a mighty trumpet blast. The voice said, come up here and I will show you what must happen after these things.” (These things being the devastation about to be wreaked on earth) “And instantly I was in the spirit, (the craft) and I saw a throne in Heaven and someone sitting on it.” ‘This was the moment when John first set foot on one of these crafts as he was whisked up to see God and other elders from Heaven sitting on their seats which would have been in front of the large screen that John was to observe the earth’s demise on. God or some of his crew must have made a film or virtual reality disk, recording all the horrific events that will strike earth in the last days as it had not happened to our planet at this time. Other vast eruptions too a lesser degree had, occurred which did, cause severe changes to earth's climate and could have been used as an example. They had the technology to do this but it is also, a possibility that they filmed another planet that had suffered a fate similar to what was about to befall earth and this was recorded to show other peoples around the universe, earthlings being only one such race.
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Thursday 8 January 2009

Don't do as I do. Do as I say. Is Gods command.

A statue of Jesus at a Latter-day Saint temple...Image via Wikipedia

We will run through the Book of Revelation, and point out how close the archaeologists have come to describe “THE LAST DAYS.” It is almost as if like, the prophets in the Bible, they have been led by God to the place where the atrocities will start to point out how urgent it is that we are prepared to meet our maker and, that the danger is much closer than we think. The warnings given in the Bible did not prevent tragedies of the past taking place like nations being wiped out, the death of Jesus, wars around the world and the attempt to wipe out particular creeds by the satanic tyrants from the past and present. One of the commandments in Exodus Chapter twenty verse, thirteen says “thou shalt not kill” which was a command to the human races on earth but it obviously did not apply to God. The warnings were not meant to prevent the tragedies only, to prepare us for the certainly of them. At one time some religions feared the use of nuclear weapons, (by certain nations) would be the devastation described in Revelation, bringing about earth’s demise with nuclear explosions and fallout. Now we have realised, that the harnessed power under the earth’s crust millions, of times more powerful than all the nuclear bombs mankind can produce which, when released would spell the end of the world. This gives us more reason to believe the words in the Bible and take special note of Revelation. It is this, holocaust and not a few nuclear bombs we will have to worry about. Bearing in mind that we are also taking some references from an updated version of the New Testament, making Revelation easier to understand, we must also remember that all the versions have been translated from true facts written by the prophets when God and his crews were on the earth instructing them what to write.John begins this last Book by telling us, “this is a revelation from Jesus Christ which God gave him, concerning the events that will happen soon!” An Angel was sent to God’s servant John, so that he could share the revelation with God’s other servants. John faithfully reported the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ and everything he saw. Chapter one verse three “God blesses the one who reads this prophecy to the Church, and he blesses all who listens to and, obeys what it says.“For the time is near when these things will happen.” I am sure anyone who, would like to check the following chapters of Revelation as we go though them, pointing out the reasoning behind my theory of the Bible being, the story of actual beings from Heaven on earth can easily lay their hands on a copy and, given the facts in this book can compare them and make up their own minds on the subject.
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Wednesday 7 January 2009

the armada

Gemini B reentry module separates from the MOL...Image via Wikipedia

We won’t need the archaeologists to tell us when this is going to happen because an armada of spaceships from Heaven will have appeared in the sky, in time to rescue those who deserve it that, will be the positive warning the earthlings will get. We have already been warned that it is going to happen but we haven’t been told when, only soon, and what is a couple of thousand times around our sun compared to the time scale God and his crews use so, if soon is in Heaven years it could be a while yet, but soon to the scientists here is earth time and they think one is due, so who knows? The people who God thinks are suitable for Heaven will be lifted off the planet to the space stations away from the danger area where they will be able to watch the fate about to befall the unbelievers as they get their final chance to choose between Heaven and Hell. “ARMAGEDDON!” To reinforce my theories about God being able to influence other planets I will quote Hebrews chapter one verses one and two “God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.” Verse Two “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Note the plural “worlds” so not only did he help create earth he also created or helped to create other worlds, giving credibility to my theories of people from other planets being brought here, and Noah using an other planet while the flood receded.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

super volcanoes

Astronaut photo of ash cloud from Mount Clevel...Image via Wikipedia

The end of the earth is described in greater detail by St John of how it will come about and his gospel also begins with (In the beginning). He was the one chosen by God to witness and warn us of the devastation that will spread over the crust of the earth when the impending doom arrives. As it has never happened to this degree on our planet before, I can only assume that God or some of his people had filmed a similar occurrence on some other distant planet or, they had compiled a virtual reality disk allowing St John to experience the event without him coming to any harm or perhaps they filmed the parts of the earth's history that came close to the final demise and although causing plenty devastation at that time was not powerful enough to destroy the earth. (Remember they have been observing the earth for billions of years). Archaeologists, without realising it have discovered the very source the devastation will come from. They have discovered that there are a handful of super volcanoes around the world which, if they erupted would destroy thousands of miles of land around them, polluting the skies which in turn would cut out the sun’s rays killing every living thing in the affected area. As it is every man to his own trade, they may have been too caught up in their own findings, to have realised, that this was how the last days of our planet are forecast in the Book of Revelation.They do know the destruction they would cause but I don't think they realise the event has already been forecast in the bible. According to certain studies in Yellowstone National Park in America, that particular super volcano is already overdue its next eruption as it’s cycle is every six hundred thousand years, and the last time it erupted was six hundred and forty thousand years ago but, in saying that the scientists do not predict an eruption soon although, volcanoes are unpredictable. They have described how the fallout from this particular one would devastate America in a very short space of time. Shortly after the eruption the skies would blacken and blot out the sun’s rays, causing black rain to fall plunging earth into the equivalence of a nuclear winter affecting, most of the earth’s surface, killing off the majority of mankind. The last of these super volcanoes to erupt was Toba seventy four thousand years ago in Sumatra. Ten thousand times bigger than St Helens, it created a global catastrophe dramatically affecting life on earth. Scientists know that another eruption of this nature is due, they just don’t know where or when. Imagine the devastation if all the super volcanoes, plus the smaller ones dotted around the planet erupted together, with the after shocks causing earthquakes and tsunamis everywhere, until finally the very bowels of the earth spewed out. If you click onto the website titled super volcanoes you will get the information there about the potential that lies inside the earth to create its own demise and the devastation recorded in Revelation.